Erdélyi Miklós bérlet 2.


 2021. OKTÓBER 29. 
 PÉNTEK 19:00

Hacsaturján: Álarcosbál – szvit
Anton Rubinstein: 4., d-moll zongoraverseny, Op. 70
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4.

Schaghajegh Nosrati (zongora)

Róbert Farkas

Besides the famous Symphony No. 4 of Tchaikovsky, a so far unknown, remarkable piece will be played at our concert. Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894) is often mentioned as a teacher and role model in the biography of great Russian composers. As a pianist and conductor, he was famous all over the world. Moreover, his pieces provided guidance to Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff and many others. We will play his Piano Concerto No. 4 which debuted in 1864 and is considered the best. According to critics, it is “the first Russian piano concerto”. We know well Aram Khachaturian, the Armenian composer. The suite our orchestra will play at this concert is composed of parts of his ballet Masquerade. The soloist of the concert, Schaghajegh Nosrati was born in Germany, and also finished his studies and started his glittering career there. This is the concert where the audience of our Miklós Erdélyi pass will first meet the orchestra’s new chief conductor, Róbert Farkas.

FIGYELEM! A Zeneakadémia saját hatáskörben 2021. október 15-től elrendelte az orrot, és a szájat eltakaró maszk viselését az egész épületben, az ott tartózkodás teljes időtartama alatt. Kérjük a tisztelt közönséget, hogy saját maguk, és a környezetükben lévők egészségének védelmében tartsák be az intézmény előírását! Köszönjük!