2022. MÁJUS 26. 
 Thursday 7pm 

Mozart: Requiem

Zarina Altynbayeva (szoprán), Meláth Andrea (mezzoszoprán),
Attila Fekete
(tenor,) Marcell Bakonyi (basszus),
Hungarian National Choir
(Artistic Director: Csaba Somos)

Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro

MÁV Zenekar

9900.-, 7900.-, 5900.-, 4900.-, 3900.- Ft

The heartbreaking, unfinished requiem of Mozart has been performed in Hungary by the leadership of Kobayashi many times, but the unfolding drama of the piece is still touching. Today, as the distress caused by the pandemic is starting to ease, it is especially relevant to perform this piece in memory of all the people we have lost. We will finally hear the chorus again, which was condemned to silence due to the pandemic. Three of the soloists are among the best in Hungary, while the soprano soloist, Zarina Altynbayeva is Kazah, the private singer of the opera house of the capital of her homeland, Almati. She was a guest singer in Japan, in numerous European countries, including the Mariinsky Theatre of the Russian Saint Petersburg. She enjoys singing songs and baroque music as well. Her first solo album consists of baroque arias. She started a festival in her country, in order to discover more young talents.